This workshop is for physics teachers who will begin to teach physics for the first time, or who are in their first few years of teaching physics.
We highlight interactive demos, labs, and other helpful info. for new teachers.
Sessions take place three times per year, and participants who attend all three sessions will earn a certificate.
Each session focuses on a central topic, such as "Light and Waves" or "Electricity and Magnetism."
Presenters included me, James Lincoln, Chija Bauer, Bill Layton, and Frank Lee.
Upcoming Workshops
Saturday, December 7, 20138:30am-3:00pm
@ CSU Long Beach
Topics: TBA
To RSVP, email James Lincoln at
Check out some of the action shots.
This is a simple demo illustrating that a heavy book and a piece of paper fall at the same rate (if you can get air resistance out of the way). Simply place the piece of paper on top of the book and drop.
James (me) interacting with participants
Bill discussing how to use some very high-tech materials
Chija leads an interactive activity
If you're a new physics teacher, join us at our next workshop!
RSVP to James Lincoln
If you're a new physics teacher, join us at our next workshop!
RSVP to James Lincoln